
Cut, Stapled, & Mended - a Giveaway

YES! I loved this book so much, I just had to have a book to give away on my blog! "Cut Stapled and Mended" is amazing. It has been a long time since I felt so deeply in love with a woman's story as I do Roanna's. Her writing is beautiful, her story is moving, and, well, read the review here

So, as I said, this book is amazing. And do you, my readers, want to win a signed copy?! I thought so! Just follow these steps to be entered to win. #1 is a necessity to be entered, after that, each additional one is an option entry. make sure you use a new comment for each entry.
  1. Share this giveaway on Facebook, then make sure I know it in a comment.
  2. Like both Sage Beginnings and Roanna on Facebook. Then make sure I know you did in a comment.
  3. Tell us your favorite VBAC resource, blog post, or birth story in a comment. 
The giveaway closes at midnight, CST, on June 16th. The drawing will be on June 17th. Good luck!


Living a Balanced life in texas said...

My favorite source for vbac information is all my lovely doula friends on the Houston Birth & Pregnancy group and the ICAN-North Houston group on Facebook.

Trina Evans said...

I Already like Sage Beginnings, but I went over and like Roanna :)

Unknown said...

I just shared your post on FB

Amy said...

Shared on FB!

Amy said...

Liked Sage Beginnings and Roanna on FB!

Amy said...

Favorite blog post is 8 Nutrition Tips for New Moms @ http://www.circleoflifenetwork.com/blog

Unknown said...

I posted your giveaway on FB, liked Roanna and Sage Beginnings. So far my favorite resource about VBAC is what started my journey on wanting another way to have a child other than by C-sec, which is the 2 documentaries/series produced by Ricki Lake. The Business of Being Born and More Business of Being Born. It changed my way of thinking, which was me being doomed to only having 3 c-sec and being told I could only have 3 children. My life has changed.

Unknown said...

my fave VBAC resource is the coalition for improving materity services at www.motherfriendly.org

while it's not JUST for VBAC moms there are some great VBAC handouts that they offer!

and I <3 sage beginnings and Roanna!

Mommy Phears said...

I shared it!

Mommy Phears said...

I already like your page and I went over to like Roanna

Mommy Phears said...

My favorite VBAC resource is ICAN!

Sonia said...

I shared the giveaway, liked both pages on fb, and my favorite resource is vbacfacts.com. Jen does a super job of sharing research on vbac related topics!

North Houston Doula Network said...

I shared this on FB :)My favorite resource is probably VBACfacts.com (on FB)and the lovely ladies in the ICAN Houston Chapter!

North Houston Doula Network said...

I shared this on FB :) My favorite resource is probably VBACfacts.com (also on FB) and the lovely ladies of ICAN Houston chapter!

North Houston Doula Network said...

Shared this on FB :) My favorite resource is probably VBACfacts.com on FB and the lovely ladies at ICAN of Houston!

doulakandaceokc said...

Liked both pages and shared on Facebook. I love to get information from VBACfacts.com and ICAN. I'm a local doula in Oklahoma and would love to have this book for my lending library for the many VBAC clients that I serve.


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