I am extremely excited to announce to you that the final giveaway is a full Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula Bundle!

Our Hypno-Doula Bundle includes: (see full descriptions at the bottom of this page)Unfortunately, Kerry and I have not yet had the chance to finish up with our interview. But, I wanted to post this giveaway in order to keep in our timeline - so please be keeping an eye open for her interview at a later date!
1) Our Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula Workbook
2) Our Hypno-Doula Study Guide for Certification with Hypnobabies
3) FIVE Hypnobabies CDs
4) An informational booklet on Hypnosis for Childbirth, for your clients
Each birthing woman is unique, and as you nurture your Hypno-clients through an easier and more comfortable childbirth, everyone will appreciate the time you took to learn these new skills.
Included with your Hypno-Doula Workbook are 8 pages of Hypno-birth Prompts to use with your laboring Hypno-moms (verbal cues to keep them in hypnosis as they labor) a Hypnobabies CD to help your regular hypno-birth clients enter hypnosis instantly, (Entering Hypnosis with a Special Word Cue) and the same script on paper for direct use with clients during prenatal meetings for a more personal approach.
**PLEASE NOTE: Our Hypno-Doula Workbook will *not* teach you to become a Hypnobabies Childbirth Instructor, or a teacher of any other birth hypnosis method. It does not allow you to train expectant mothers to use childbirth hypnosis. It trains you to *help* birthing mothers who are using childbirth hypnosis to have a much easier childbirth experience, using their own Hypno-tools and techniques to the maximum benefit. You become a Hypno…Doula!
Hypno-Doula Study Guide: AFTER studying our Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula Workbook, you will complete the Study Guide by answering the questions, writing the essays and filling in the blanks in your own words.
You will then send the Study Guide back to Hypnobabies for grading. You must receive a grade of 95 percent or higher to become certified. All accepted Study Guides will be kept by Hypnobabies and you will be contacted by e-mail to provide us with a professional Hypno-Doula Listing. After certification, your listing will be placed on our Find a Hypno-Doula page at www.Hypnobabies.com and you will receive a Certified Hypno-Doula certificate.
* PLEASE NOTE: There is no additional charge for certification as a Hypno-Doula. The Study Guide price includes our Hypnobabies Certification and website listing fee.*
Remember, EACH OF THESE count as one entry. You have to complete the first entry to be able to be able to have the other entries counted. To have them counted as one entry each, they must each be fulfilled with their own, separate, comment. Be sure that your comment contains your email either in the body of the message, or through your profile.
- For your initial entry, you must visit Hypnobabies, browse their site, then come back and let me know what new thing you learned on their site.
- For an additional entry, post a link to this giveaway on your FB OR create your own blog post regarding this giveaway, with a link to this post, then comment with a link back to your blog post/FB post.
- For an additional entry, "like" Hypnobabies (or let me know if you already do) on Facebook, then let me know in a comment here on my blog.
- For an additional entry, head over to their Youtube channel, then come back and let me know which video(s) you enjoyed and why.
- For an additional entry, subscribe to them on Twitter, then let me know in a comment here on my blog.
- If you took advantage of the Early Bird Entries, you can add any/all of your Early Bird entries to this giveaway by commenting with the words "EB Entry".
This wraps up our giveaway!!!
shared on FB
Hisjennifer @ yahoo.com
learned the difference between hypnobabies and hypnobirthing ;)
hisjennifer @ yahoo.com
like- on FB
hisjennifer @ yahoo.com
I had always thought that strong-willed people would be less likely to be able to use hypnosis. Apparently I was wrong! I also thought it was interesting that even in a state of hypnosis, the woman is still in complete control, and can choose to come out of it at any time.
I have a client right now who is planning to use hypnobirthing techniques during her labor, and I'm really feeling the need to learn more about it. I would love to win this.
"Liked" hypnobabies on facebook. :)
Posted a link on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/emily.moothart?v=wall&story_fbid=127189877297010&ref=mf
I enjoyed "what is hypnosis". Like I mentioned last comment, I just don't know much about this, and I appreciated the chance to learn more. Thanks for giving me such a good opportunity to learn!
"Like" on Facebook!
This would be SO USEFUL because I had a client who was interested in hypnosis but I don't know much about it!
I learned that moms are actually "hyper-aware" during their births.
I enjoyed the YouTube video of the couple explaining why they like Hypnobabies. Dad called it very "intimate" and mom said she felt very "connected" to her baby. cool!
EB Entry! :)
Also, I liked them on Facebook too!
I know this might sound lame, but I wasn't aware that all of their stuff is made from 95% recycled material. I absolutely love seeing businesses start to recycle and reuse more! It makes a difference in how strongly I recommend things.
On the youtube channel, I thought the one minute video would be a great commercial. Oh how I wish that were the kind of advertising commercials I saw on tv. The "What is Hypnosis" video was probably my favorite too.
I had visited their web site before but had not noticed the page about Hypnosis and Christianity before. Interesting!
I liked all the YouTube videos, can't pick one.
follow on FB
I learned that you are not zombieish that you are actually fully aware and in control
"liked" on facebook
followed on twitter!
I found it interesting that hypnosis is a way to access part of the 90% of our brains that we are not usually able to access or use.
Blogged about this giveaway on my blog today! http://anthrodoula.blogspot.com
I enjoyed the article on Hypnosis and Christianity because I alwayed wondered if hypnosis not accepted by Christians. I have two clients due in June using Hypnosis and I am always looking for articles or books to become more familiar with hypnosis in labor/birth. Thanks!
I learned that we are in a hypnotic state almost every day. So that's what happens when I drive somewhere and don't remember the drive.
I "like" Hypnobabies on FB now. :)
I put a link on my FB page.
I really liked the first video "hypnobabies. what is hypnosis." I never really looked into it because I was always told that Christians shouldn't do hypnosis. I think I want to investigate further now.
Learned about hypno-anesthesia. So interesting!
fanned Hybnobabies on facebook :)
Michele Henson
I learned a lot about hypnobirthing and its benefits to mama and baby.
Michele Henson
I learned that they have CD's available for breastfeeding too!!! Hypnobabies ROCKS! I would love to win this! I wish they made a script for helping couples get pregnant who have fertility issues.
Totally forgot to put my email for the above comment. I guess this could be an extra chance to win. I'm a fan of hypnobabies on FB.
I would love to win the hypno-doula bundle! In looking at the hypnobabies website, I learned that self-hypnosis can be so successful that it is used instead of anesthesia even for surgery.
I did 'friend' hypnobabies on FB
LIked on facebook
Visited Site: We are in levels of hypnosis every day.
EB Entry
I follow them on twitter! Oooh wish me luck!!
I "liked" them on Facebook! (I'm Jennifer B)
I subscribed to their youtube page! (I'm BabyMakinMachin)
I loved reading the many birth stories, I learned that this program can help you have an easy "birthing time" and that they use different words and cues versus "labor" and things like that!
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