I am ecstatic to say that she has offered a copy for our International Doula Month giveaway!

"Breastfeeding with Comfort and Joy is magnificent. It's like having a wise and loving grandmother show you exactly how to nurse your baby." - Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women's Bodies, Women's WisdomAlthough we have yet to interview, I wanted to post this giveaway in order to keep in our timeline - so please be keeping an eye open for her interview!
Remember, EACH OF THESE count as one entry. You have to complete the first entry to be able to be able to have the other entries counted. To have them counted as one entry each, they must each be fulfilled with their own, separate, comment. Be sure that your comment contains your email either in the body of the message, or through your profile.
- For your initial entry, you must visit her website, then come back and let me know which review was the most helpful to you and why. You can also visit her online reviews on her blog (on right panel) for this entry. :)
- For an additional entry, post a link to this giveaway on your FB OR create your own blog post regarding this giveaway, with a link to this post, then comment with a link back to your blog post/FB post.
- For an additional entry, "like" her professional FB account, then let me know in a comment here on my blog.
- For an additional entry, subscribe to her blog, then let me know in a comment here on my blog.
- If you took advantage of the Early Bird Entries, you can add any/all of your Early Bird entries to this giveaway by commenting with the words "EB Entry".
Happy entering!!!
the review by Robert Schiller, MD with the excerpt from the forward of the book was my favorite. I think pictures are a must when teaching breastfeeding. It is such a hands on learning experience but the more visual aids the better. This book looks like it is a must have. "EB entry"
just became a fan of her fb page. -Christi EB entry
i posted this giveaway and link on our birthinsight's fb fan page which is our childbirth education and doula business. -christi
EB entry
I liked Mary P. Anderson's review. While I'm an experienced breastfeeder, I worry about breastfeeding with my next one. My first one had hardly any problems and I don't know what I'd do if this one gave me a curve ball!
hrfarley at gmail dot com
Definitely Robert Schiller's review for me! After reading his review, I feel as if I've flipped through it quickly at a bookstore. I know I want it now.
Heather (lovelylivingbooks @ yahoo . com)
I "like" Breastfeeding with Comfort and Joy on Facebook!
Heather (lovelylivingbooks @ yahoo . com)
I subscribed to her blog via Google Reader. :) Great blog!
'Liked' her page on FB.
Loved how Robert Schiller pointed out that this is not just for mother but also for "her family and friends who want to help her, and her practitioners." Breastfeeding mamas need support from those around her - I love the idea of those important support people reading this book so they can be as helpful as possible. It takes a village!
Patti Ranieri because it shows that it helped a mom who was experiencing challenges.
Its always good to see a review from a mom who raves about how much the book transformed her breastfeeding experience. All those reviews on the site are my favorite!
EB Entry
Already subscribed to her blog via Google Reader
I like her on Facebook!
"liked" on facebook
I really liked Rixa's review (http://rixarixa.blogspot.com/2009/02/review-of-breastfeeding-with-comfort.html) because it brought up so many of the good points of the book.
I liked Roberts. I actually own this book and really enjoy it! I hope to win one so I can share with more moms!
Blogged about this giveaway on my blog today! http://anthrodoula.blogspot.com
Liked on facebook.
This review, by AN MD!!!, was fantastic:
“Working with Laura Keegan in my busy pediatric practice for the past 15 years, I have had the opportunity to witness firsthand her excellence as a clinician and her caring compassionate heart. I have been referring mothers to her for breastfeeding consultation and have witnessed literally hundreds of children benefiting from her wisdom. Her ability to simplify and communicate what is all too often over-complicated in our culture is reflected in the long-lasting relationships she develops with her patients. I am so pleased that this is reflected in the pages of this book and look forward to recommending it to new mothers.”
—Stephen Cowan, MD, FAAP
I found the review by A mother of twins tells how this book was key to her breastfeeding success the most helpful as it gives a mother's perspective on the benefits of the book.
I liked her facbook page.
I have subscribed to her blog.
I visited her website and found the review by Patti Ranieri to be the most inspiring and helpful. I find a personal recommendation coming from a mother who had many trials and tribulations to overcome for successful breastfeeding, to be a marker of a wonderful book!
My blog post :)
I 'liked' the FB page :)
I Liked the FB page!
Christiane Northrup, MD,
author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom IF only we all had grandmothers who passed down wisdom to us...
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