Kelly Mochel is an author and mama who is donating two copies of "We're Having a Homebirth". This is a great book for a doula who works with home births to have in her library.
This awesome book is full of colorful pages and simple story lines, giving children the confidence and the educational support needed to help them learn about their family's upcoming birthing time.

I went to New Zealand immediately after graduating from UCSB for what was supposed to be a 3months-or-so working vacation. I ended up meeting my husband whilst working at a little ski resort and staying! We had our first daughter there - a fantastic experience. It is then that I became aware of the shortcomings of the birthing culture here in the US as compared to other countries.How did you get into this line of work:
As we started planning for our homebirth here in the states, we considered the inclusion, education and preparedness of our 2yr old to be of the utmost importance. We found very little out there by way of children's literature relating to homebirth, and what we did find was available overseas, making it pretty pricey. My working background is in graphic design, so I set out to create a fun, useful, affordable resource for our family and others like ours.What makes your heart skip a beat, hold your breath, or sigh with happiness:
Hearing stories about peaceful, empowering, healthy birth experiences that leave every family member feeling safe, fulfilled and happy.When you think of a doula, what do you think:
Warmth, kindness, and loving support at the most special of times.Consequentially, what do you think of birth practices in the U.S. right now:
I think we've reached a point where every hospital and OBGYN needs to take a good, long look at their practices and reevaluate. There is research, statistics, feedback from women & families, and successful birth models in other countries that are all being simultaneously ignored. All families are unique and have differing needs for a successful and healthy birthing experience - we need healthcare providers, legislators, and communities to work together to meet those varying needs.:Kelly invites you to visit her on Facebook, and check out her book online.
Remember, EACH OF THESE count as one entry. You have to complete the first entry to be able to be able to have the other entries counted. To have them counted as one entry each, they must each be fulfilled with their own, separate, comment. Be sure that your comment contains your email either in the body of the message, or through your profile.
- For your initial entry, you must go to her website, then come back and comment with what you like about her site, her reviews, or her sample pages.
- For an additional entry, post a link to this giveaway on your FB. Then, copy and paste a link to that in a comment here on my blog.
- For an additional entry, "Friend" her on FB.
- Create your own blog post regarding this giveaway, with a link to this post, then comment with a link back to your blog post.
- If you took advantage of the Early Bird Entries, you can add any/all of your Early Bird entries to this giveaway by commenting with the words "EB Entry".
Happy entering!!!
I friended her on facebook. :)
katelyndemidowphotography (at) yahoo (dot) com
Her sample pages are adorable. I love how they look like a child's imagination. What a great book!
katelyndemidowphotography (at) yahoo (dot) com
I like the simplicity of the illustrations and wording.
I really love this book. Especially the images. Very different from the Welcome Baby book which I already have. My kids would love this!
Friend on facebook.
EB Entry
I love how contemporary everything is (in her sample pages) because most people assume all homebirthers are hippies ;)
shared on facebook
I added her as a "friend" on facebook.
Great book. What a wonderful resource for homebirth moms. I love that you can see sample pages on her website!
This is just a fantastic idea. I mean, even to my parents the idea of a homebirth is confusing. Maybe I need this book to prepare THEM. Hah! I love that it's so clearly written to prepare children for what will be happening.
lauren.m.gibson AT gmail DOT com
I like that her website is crisp, clean and modern and so easy to navigate. The book is genius and I will definitely order some to share with my homebirthing mamas !
and i friended her on FB.
i would love to have this for my lending library! i love the illustration of the nursing baby!
the website is very easy to navigate and is not loaded with excess information. i love how colorful the book is, too! it makes for a nice contrast compared with the subdued tones of the website.
My e-mail is lovelylivingbooks @ yahoo . com
Haha! That midwife has some mean eyeliner!
I like the style of pictures very much--the bold shapes and colors.
I love the simple yet creative illustrations in the sample pages. My favorite is the explanation of breastfeeding one.
I love that her sample pages show that she includes breastfeeding explanations in her book :)
laisydaisy05 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I have also added her as a facebook friend!
laisydaisy05 (at) yahoo (dot) com
My lil bro was born at home-checked out the sample pages and it looks great for expectant bros and sisters
directorylanesuperstoreATgmail Her sample pages were very creative as from the mind of children. Looks like a great book writer.
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