
Doula Story - The beginning

Michelle wanted a chance to share her doula-attended story, but has yet to give birth! :)

So, she wanted to share her journey to finding her doula thus far. This mama is a great encouragement to mothers-to-be in her tenacity to find the right doula for her situation and personality!
I'm a single mama to be and have no family support at all and was feeling very much alone and scared to have my first baby by myself. I'm also low income and knew I'd never be able to afford a doula. I really wanted one though so I did a Google search and found a group that has volunteer doulas. I met with one and she seemed fine enough,but there was no "magic connection" that I've read about some mamas having with their doulas. It was ok though,maybe we just needed to meet again and have our first "official meeting" to get that.

After a few e-mails when I asked for some emotion support and didn't feel she was giving me what I needed I asked the woman who runs the organization a few questions and was told I was asking for to much from my doula and that I needed to be more "self reliant and that was the lesson about being pregnant and giving birth". I knew it wasn't going to work with this doula or the organization,but I didn't give up.

I did another Google search and sent out a few e-mails to some random doulas in my area and 3 called me back the next day! Magic instant connection with the first one I spoke with! I explained what I thought a doula should be and what I was hoping for and she agreed with me and we seemed to be on the same page. It was great! Our first in person meeting will be in one week and I can't wait! Oh and she's also willing to do a barter/exchange with me! I have a VERY good feeling about my new doula and feel she can guide me through the birth and it can be what I need it to be.
Thank you, Michelle, for your story thus far. I hope that you will come back and share more about your prenatals and your birth story later on!

1 comment:

tara said...

Having a connection is so important and so is having a doula. I am so glad you kept up your search. Way to go mama-to-be!!


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