
Stop the Mower, She's Having a Baby!

Oh, I love these stories...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL - those are great! (although when i see shows featuring these "extreme births" on TV i find myself yelling at the tv 90% of the time!!!!) But I like this one more because that's the hospital i was born at 30 years ago... so i just had to comment!

i've actually been meaning to comment on your blog for the last few weeks (After spending some time reading all of your archives) - just wanted to say that I am really enjoying it and look forward to continuing to read it! You are a tremendous resource to and advocate for women and babies everywhere!!!

I also wanted to introduce myself (haven't quite gotten a chance to start blogging yet - too busy reading others blogs -my new guilty pleasure- although i do have one i plan to start writing on soon) because I hope to have the pleasure to work along side you at some point in my career as i am planning a move to Nashville and I am currently in the process of applying for an L&D nurse position there while i pursue my masters as a CNM.

thanks for all you do!
take care


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