

Short Stories

I had some amazingness a few weeks ago. On Tuesday, a mama started her birthing journey. On Wednesday night, she called me to her. Within the hour, another mama called me to her.

I called in my back-up to labor-sit the first mama as she was early in her journey and I ran to the side of the first mama - who birthed her baby in power and grace within 4 hours. It was intense, and hard, and not at all what she had expected. She caught her own baby and melted into love.

I ran home and got a little bit of food, and a shower. Then it was back to the first mama I ran. She gave birth on Saturday morning just after midnight. She too birthed in strength and power and grace. It was intense, and hard, and not at all what she expected. She drew her baby up to her chest and melted into love.

Lessons, both old and new, I took away from these births:

  • as a birthworker, it still amazes me that it doesn't matter if it's a fast and furious, or slow and steady birth - they both take a ton out of birth workers
  • as mamas, they both listened so well to their bodies and gave over to the journey, no matter where it took them
  • There are amazing doctors in the most unexpected places... and situations... 
  • There are nurses who go above and beyond, who become your ally, and give you the benefit of the doubt - if you give them the same. 
  • Sometimes the doula tricks go out the window and the best thing you can do for a mama is to tell her that you're sorry it is how it is, and that you promise you are right there with her... and that's all you can do... and surprisingly, that's enough.
I was worried in the 13th hour when I received yet another text from another mama, but blissfully, she was able to ease those pressure waves away and allow me to get the most sweet and satisfying 6 hours of sleep that I had ever had before waking to have a late breakfast with my family. 

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