

Pink Kit - Review

I was so happy to receive my copy of the Pink Kit, and was so sad that I had to sit on it and not review it for so long (busy season of life as it was). BUT, I was finally able to get to it, and I am so glad I did!

Starting out, I will tell you - the kit is definitely intensive - so, I will break down all of the different sections of the kit for you, with a description of each. I know, kind of dry, but it will give you a bigger picture of how thorough they are.
  • I read through the 88 page book, which is full of fun and informational black and white photographs, and was pleasantly surprised at how well-rounded the information was. The book is all about birth, and includes information on how to deal with pre-labor, labor, and postpartum emotions and feelings, the pelvis, proper positions for opening the pelvis and relaxing, and so much more.
  • The Internal Work are audio files. The first section is all about the internal tissues of the vagina, and prenatal exercises to help relax these tissues and become more familiar with your body. The section section of The Internal Work is a bit more 'fuzzy' of a recording, and that bothered my eardrums to be honest. The marvelous thing about the second recording is that it was one wonderful example of birth positive vocalizations of an actual laboring woman.
  • The Pink Kit Video is broken down into two segments, the introduction that tells you about the film, and the film itself is all about body movement, positions for labor and birth, relaxation and body work, your anatomy, and pros and cons of each position in relation to pelvis and uterus. The video moves at an interactive, slow, and easy pace, allowing for the couples to try out the different positions together. 
  • Work with your Breath is very informative on how to achieve deep abdominal breathing that is more conducive to relaxation during labor and birth. Breath awareness at it’s finest.
  • Discover Your Bony Pelvis helps you to get to know your bony pelvis, feeling it and learning about it as a part of you.
  • Position Your Body covers birthing positions in relation to your anatomy and the physiology of birth.
  • Work With Your Bony Pelvis focuses on how to work with your bony pelvis and get optimal opening and movement from it.
  • Soft Pelvis is all about how to work with your soft tissue pelvis in order to get optimal opening and movement from it while minimizing discomfort and resistance. 
  • Managing Tension and Relaxation is all about the difference  between the two, how to learn to identify the two in your body, and how to work through it to achieve a deeper sense of relaxation.
  • Four Types of Tension reviews the four types of tension: Conscious, Unconscious, Structural, and Stretching.  It is a very short video with a quick deepening and releasing exercise.
  • Massage focuses on sacral, hip, and thigh massage only.
  • Preparing for Childbirth is a quick reminder to review the information and start to do prenatal practice.
  • Use The Information develops a little on putting it together in active practice for labor/birth
  • Birth Journey is a lesson on birth as a journey with tips, suggestions, and imagery for labor and birth.
  • And the E-books include home, birth center, transport, hospital, and unassisted birth options in mini booklets. 

I actually really loved the e-books; I was worried that there would be a bias in there somewhere, but the Pink Kit approaches all of the options covered in a very open-minded, unbiased, balanced view. They talk about best and worst case scenarios of all of them, how to work within whichever situation you encounter, and how to make the best birthing experience regardless of it. 

The only critiques that I have about the series is that they don't go through the standard 'stages of labor', and the role of a doula is not well enough outlined to where I don't think people will really know the difference between a midwife and a doula. The benefit to omitting information on the stages of labor is that women are encouraged, through the series, to work in their body, not their brain. 

One of my favorite things about this series is the The Pelvic Clock exercise. When used in labour, the Pelvic Clock technique allows a woman to focus on her inner pelvis, where the cervix resides, and consciously relax those inner-workings to assist in dilating the cervix. .

What I like the most about this series is that it is so very body-aware! It encourages women to get to know their bodies and what is happening during their birthing time.  I feel that any of my clients who go through the Pink Kit will be well equipped, beyond the traditional hospital birthing class, to know how to work with their bodies and pelvis' positively during labor and birth. 

My rating? 4 out of 5 

1 comment:

  1. Can't hurt to know more about your body! Great review! :)


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