This is the first installment of a three week series covering the last weeks of pregnancy for first time parents. Host, Gena Kirby, who is also a Doula, will share (over the air) what actually happens between a pregnant couple and the guardian of their journey. This is reality radio at it's best! In the third installment (if baby cooperates) we will be discussing the birth and how these new parents feel about their experience.
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Additionally, they have a great show up on out-of-hospital birth options. Her guest on this show is be Kaitlin Rose Parmenter of Bring Birth Home. BBH is a great resource for parents wanting to learn more about their options outside a hospital or birth center. Hospital birth is fairly new to us, as far as the history of man is concerned. To put this in perspective name the first US president who was born in a hospital. More and more women are choosing to have their babies at home. Later in the show she is joined by Mrs. Birth Without Fear!
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