

Birthin With Love

Kari is a childbirth and parenting educator in this area whom I have been talking with lately. I am very excited to have been getting to know her and her endeavors. She can be found at Houston Waterbirth and has recently started pilot testing on a pregnancy journal.

Birthin With Love is an e-journal that will help pregnant women and their support people throughout their journey to labor and birth by providing them with useful information, articles, education, relaxation, and more... all online. Because she is just starting out, she needs pilot testers.

She is offering my readers a chance to try out her e-journal with a FREE subscription. Simply go to Birthin With Love and click on the giant 'redeem' button. There, insert the coupon code of "sagemama". This coupon code is set to expire on April 30th, 2011 and is accessible for 100 free subscriptions (limited to one use for each user) so be sure to spread the news.

Doulas, Childbirth Educators, Midwives? Pass this information on to your clients. Mamas-to-be, check it out, then give a review in the comments! She and I would love to hear your feedback!

1 comment:

feel free to post relevant comments, even friendly debate, but note: if you post anonymously, I may not publish you - grow some ovaries and let's have a cuppa.