

Homebirth of Twins

This is a beautiful homebirth of twins, one was previously presenting transverse, and ends up footling breech at birth. So inspiring and beautiful!


  1. That was beautiful and really blessed my heart today. Thank you for sharing it. We are beautifully and wonderfully made as women. How dare anyone ever deny us that belief. Thanks again!

  2. Mikael B.11/6/10

    That was an absolutely beautiful story. I teared up ;) My first was born in a hospital (w/o meds). We are planning on getting pregnant again soon and I love the idea of a home birth. Stories like yours are empowering, thanks!

  3. This was absolutely beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing! I truly admire women who are strong enough to do what they feel is best, even if it's against the norm.

    I had a homebirth with my first and am wondering (for some reason) if I'll have twins next. This really is inspiring!


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