

Int'l Doula Month - Giveaway #12

Leslie is owner of Wildroots Etsy shop. She is also donating her Wildroots Postpartum Gift Basket to our giveaway festival today! This prize would be great for a postpartum doula, or even a birth doula who offers postpartum care as well.

Wildroots Post Partum Gift Basket is a wonderful gift for yourself or someone you know for after birth care. The post partum time is such a crucial time to nourish the body. These creations will help to make a smooth transition so that you can spend your time just loving that new little baby.

Her basket includes:

RICH MILK TEA: Used by many nursing women as a way to support and increase milk supply. This tasty tea is a traditional nourishing tonic that not only supports healthy milk production; it also provides benefits to the digestive system of both the Mother and Baby. Each tin contains 1.8 ounces of tea which makes approx. 20 cups of tea. Brewing instructions on the label.

POST PARTUM TEA: Promotes healthy uterine recovery with added benefits of lifting the spirit. She has crafted this tea with herbs known for centuries to aid in in the healing process for women after birthing.

This tea is one of her personal favorite. It is wonderful also for all times in a woman's reproductive life, but particularly suited for after child bearing. Most of these ingredients are grown on her farm.

SITZ BATH SPRAY: She is incredibly pleased with this creation! Her Sitz Bath Spray contains traditional sitz bath herbs that we have distilled. It is all ready for use, where as sitz bath herbs you need to brew up. This can be very hard to get to with a new little one and a mama who is needed to recover. This wonderful blend of herbs is so incredibly helpful to women after the birth of their babies. She have seen it work so effectively with so many of my doula clients, friends and herself!

Wildroot's Sitz Bath works to support the healing of tissues after birth. Her blend helps repair the perineum and vaginal tissues, as well as providing anti microbial properties to this vulnerable postpartum area. Each of her Sitz Bath Sprays contain 4 oz of distilled herbs and comes in a nice brushed metal spray top container.

SORE NIPPLE SALVE: An excellent companion for new nursing mama's. This rich and deeply nourishing salve is infused with botanicals known to bring ease and repair to the skin.

This gentle salve is made with care to help make that first time of nursing your new baby so much easier.

Leslie is a childbirth educator, doula, and midwife apprentice - so I felt kindred spirits with her immediately. I invite you to get to know the woman behind today's giveaway by reading below!
I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest where the Cascade mountains meet the Puget Sound with my husband Orion and my new little baby Kosta. We own a small herb farm where we grow many herbs for our products and spend much time in the wilds wild harvesting. We love our lives here.

I have been a practicing labor support doula, post partum doula and childbirth educator since 2004 as well as a midwifery apprentice.
I have been interested in herbs from an early age. My sister and I would make herb teas and treats from our moms gardens when we were kids. I more officially began herbal studies during College where I graduated with a degree in Holistic Health: Herbs and Somatics. I apprenticed with various local herbalists and then worked with Linda Quintana who owns Wonderland Teas in Bellingham, WA. What a great teacher she is!
Spending time with my family makes me so happy. My little boy often wakes me up laughing. We love spending time in the woods and outside, discovering new mysteries of this wonderful Earth we live upon.

I am really loving our distillations. We are distilling floral waters and essential oils from our wild harvests and from our herbs out at the farm. They are so versatile. Some of our customers have been using them in their cooking and as an ingredient in mixed drinks. Others use them in lotion making and aromatherapy. I love our sitz bath spray. It is so easy to use and it is extremely fresh. We distilled herbs used in our sitz bath. It is so healing and soothing after birth.
When you think of a doula, what do you think:
A woman familiar with the birthing process that empowers the birthing mother and assists in the preparation and process of the childbearing time.
Consequentially, what do you think of birth practices in the U.S. right now:
I think we have a long way to go....I feel a deep sadness for the way so many women are treated during the births of their children. So much of the mainstream birth practices take the power and the knowing away from the mother. Birth can be so trans-formative. It is our rights of passage... My hopes are for all women to feel empowered through their birthing process, whether it is a "natural birth" or not. All women should feel that they are the ones making the decisions and not being coerced into what the practitioner wants to do.
Anything Else that you would like us to know about you:
We offer many workshops in herbal medicine and plant identification and an internship program. Contact us if you are interested or if you have any questions at all about herbs! We always love to chat.
She has a professional website, an Etsy shop, and she is on FaceBook. Leslie, thank you so much for your donation and for the chance to get to know you!


Remember, EACH OF THESE count as one entry. You have to complete the first entry to be able to be able to have the other entries counted. To have them counted as one entry each, they must each be fulfilled with their own, separate, comment. Be sure that your comment contains your email either in the body of the message, or through your profile.
  • For your initial entry, you must visit her etsy store, then come back and let me know which item is your favorite.
  • For an additional entry, post a link to this giveaway on your FB OR create your own blog post regarding this giveaway, with a link to this post, then comment with a link back to your blog post/FB post.
  • For an additional entry, sign up for their newsletter, then let me know that you did in a comment here (I will check on these with Leslie ;-)).
  • For an additional entry, post on your FB or on your own blog about the benefits of a postpartum doula, to commemorate Int'l Doula Month, with link back to my blog, then comment here with the link to your posting.
  • For an additional entry, "Like" her on FB, then let me know in a comment here on my blog.
  • If you took advantage of the Early Bird Entries, you can add any/all of your Early Bird entries to this giveaway by commenting with the words "EB Entry".
Entries will be closed on May 29th, at midnight, and the drawing will occur on May 31st, at noon.

Happy entering!!!


  1. What a beautiful etsy shop! It's really a pleasure to browse. :)

    I'd really like to purchase the items in the postpartum basket, but I'd also like to try the allergy tincture.

    Thanks for entering me!

  2. Love the Growing Belly Rub. Every pregnant woman should have this for the stretch mark aspect but also just for that extra excuse to rub their gorgeous growing bellies (or have someone else rub them!).

  3. I would love to try her "sweet dreams" tea!

  4. Liked on facebook

  5. The Focus and Energy tea looks good.

  6. There are some very yummy items in that shop! I liked the rose scented items - both the lotion and the mask. Plus I have an addiction to all things citrus so the tangerine lip balm sounds very tasty!

  7. My favorite is the focus and energy tea, pretty sure I could use some of that!!

  8. Hey! I posted a link on my FB page and liked Wildroot!!

  9. I love the look of her products ! Just what I like to use and recommend. I think the Sitz Bath Spray is an excellent product for new mommies ! I may purchase some for my clients. I also like the Farmers Hand Balm - gardening requires moisturization afterwards ! Thanks for posting about her - it looks great !


  10. Anonymous12/5/10

    posted to facebook as well

    hisjennifer@ yahoo. com

  11. Anonymous12/5/10

    My favorite items were the sitz bath spray and baby bottom spray.


  12. Anonymous12/5/10

    "like" her on FB!/profile.php?id=775160533&ref=profile
    hisjennifer @ yahoo. com

  13. it's a toss-up between the rose petal lotion and the chai tea. everything looks really great!!! i like the labels, too, and the banner across the top of the etsy page.

  14. Liked on facebook!

  15. I think that the baby bath looks great! I want some for myself!

  16. "liked" on facebook

  17. I think the Farmer's Hand Balm looks amazing. My husband gets painfully dry and cracked hands and this looks like it could really help!

  18. Silvia17/5/10

    I checked out her products, a lot of them look like stuff I would love and enjoy, I like all the different scented hydrosols. My favorite product, though, was the "Growing Belly Rub", I might just have to get some as I'm currently pregnant!

  19. Blogged about this giveaway on my blog today!

  20. Fave is Sitz Bath Spray!

  21. Love the Baby Skin Care Kit it is full of wonderful items and would make a great gift.

  22. I liked wildroot botanicals on facebook and an very happy to find our they sell their products at the Bellingham Farmers' Market

  23. Sitz Bath!!! Want this!
    Like on Facebook
    EB Entry


feel free to post relevant comments, even friendly debate, but note: if you post anonymously, I may not publish you - grow some ovaries and let's have a cuppa.