

Great New YouTube Videos

Nuchal Hands, Supportive Teaching OB, VBAC, Doula, and Paracervical block...

Very nice video (in two parts)!

In addition, this teaser looks fantastic (not biased in any way, though)...


  1. seems like that ob is really rough with that newborn, poor thing! pushing that bulb down her throat more than once.... goodness

    why did he have his hands all in her vagina like that? he seemed to be pretty nice, vbac friendly is always good (having 4 hbacs myself i am a big advocate!) but looks odd for him to be putting his hands on her like that. i wouldn't not be comfortable with that.

  2. Jennifer - me neither, which is why I searched for VERY hands-off providers. As far as OBs go, though, he is still one of the better ones I have seen. :)

    I have a hard time watching the 'gentle application of pressure' to the babies head... which I see oh so often.

  3. I did some reading about paracervical blocks, not too familar with them and found that they do/can have a profound effect on the babies and that is part of why they are no longer used in births (joke right? here is a video of a mamma using one). I'm really wondering when they will say the same about the now widely used epidurals... guess we will have to wait until the next wonder drug comes along before they start claiming it's dangerous. My midwife was very hands off, she attending all four of my hb's.
    She would just catch and give to me, not much else to really be done... lol I would have caught myself if I wasn't so wrapped up in that energy of pushing...


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