A physician's office by the name of Aspen Women's Center has posted the following sign in their lobby:

So, I do a little more digging. It seems that Dr. Judd Thomas has some bad reviews, and is one of the acting physicians in this office. I would love to get my hands on their healthgrade. All the more reason why I am glad to see that Angie's list has a new commercial encouraging women to give the good and bad of their health care providers. Thanks Jenn for the forward.
I actually much prefer Dr. Judd's honesty to the many, many OBs who tell women what they want to hear and make a 180 degree change in attitude in the labor room.
ReplyDeleteAt least women know up front what a control freak he is.
my favorite part of that sign is how they imply that the reason they have these policies is for your safety-even thought that's an out and out lie! There are mountains of evidence that show that having a doula REDUCES risks.
ReplyDeleteI live near there, want me to go toilet paper their facility?...lol j/k
ReplyDeleteThis is bogus and I hope they loose a lot of business for it!
I was so annoyed by this. It's outrageous!
ReplyDeleteHey Beckaboo--I am totally up for going and toilet papering...I mean, protesting, this clinic. I'm not far either...
Yet another reason I drove 30 min to my OB (even though these guys and several others were within 5 minutes of my home). I agree with the commenter who said that at least they are open about how they feel...but good grief, it shocks me that any women are willing to go there!!
ReplyDeletethat's insane. yuck.
ReplyDeleteWOW that is ... wow. I agree, though, at least they tell you upfront what you're in for.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget The Birth Survey. Women can rate their providers and birth facilities there, and the questions are designed to tease out aspects of mother-friendly care and the Six Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices. It's a grassroots project and as of now, only basic info is shared, but users can see that this doctor has a lower than average score for clients "were free to make their own decisions versus those favored by their provider" and "had decisions they made about their care respected by the provider". http://thebirthsurvey.com/national/html/custom/view/report/providerOverall.shtml?pid=29897
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting about this. It's absurd and offensive.
I remember taking a picture of this exact sign about a year and a half ago. I went here with my first birth(have since had a homebirth) but I never noticed this sign while I was going there. I hate Dr. Judd and would never want anyone I know to go to him. He is known for his use(or over-use) of forceps and I wouldn't doubt that his c-section rate is close to 50%. I have a friend whom he glave a c-sections to without ever telling her why it was needed and another friend who had a 2 hour labor that he deemed necessary for use of forceps. The only thing Dr. Judd told me while I was trying so hard to push my baby out(though numb at the time) was, "you're going to have to push better than that." I still have dreams of seeing him and telling him off.
ReplyDeleteI've been a labor doula for 8 years now, and this is just over teh top to me! WOW! I sometimes live in this fantasy world (Because I WANT to believe) that stuff like this doesn't really happen, but WoW!!!
ReplyDeleteOf course like the other poster said, at least you know what you are getting by going there, right up front! Instead of getting lip service... "I think I can work with you on this or that, and then pull the rug out from under them and scare them into things adn refuse to let them do anything on thier birth plan...
Good golly. The spiteful copy editor in me loves that they got it printed up with doula spelled wrong!
ReplyDeleteSo disturbing! Thanks Nichole for once again informing us.
ReplyDeleteBefore my last pregnancy and birth I wrote one of the local hospitals to check options that may support a natural birth (showers, walking, balls et cetera) and received an email stating almost the exact same thing as this sign.
Their own words "we use invasive methods such as iv, AROM, epidurals et cetera at this hospital rather than the non-invasive methods you are inquiring about"
I'm disgusted at how some people act in this world. Here is a man who loves his work and is one of the best OB's out there. I have had personal experience with him and his office. We are all entitled to make our own choices in what we view is the best care for our own health (that is our privilege and freedom as Americans) and he is up front and honest from the beginning. He may not take the same road as you and may have different beliefs than you, however, slamming someone and their reputation because they have different views than yours is wrong, horrible and hurtful. I'm disgusted that my own children will have to someday deal with hypocritical people like yourselves that bash others because their opinions are not the same as yours.
ReplyDeleteKelli -
ReplyDeleteHow am I hypocritical?
I don't care one iota for a doctor who touts that he refuses to care for women who choose Bradley, doula attended, or birth plan toting out of 'concern for their wellbeing and health'. Poo on that! It is because it doesn't line up with how he does birth.
He routinely cuts and uses forceps. This can be damaging and is risky for women and babies. Why would you defend a doctor who routinely uses something that is PROVEN to introduce unnecessary risk?
A woman wants to choose that, that is her prerogative, but that doesn't mean that he won't be called out for shoddy medical practice.
A doctor should be held accountable for his policies and routine procedures. Take a look at the link to his name, even those who liked him stated how much he uses forceps, medication, etc... It is not sound medical practice. Hands down. This is not a personal attack - it is keeping our medical professionals accountable - which is MY right as a childbirth professional, Mother-Friendly advocate, American, and consumer (not to mention the right to free speech).
Again, it is not about opinions, but about safe and sound practices, and sorry, but what I have seen so far does not reflect that from his practice.
And THIS is why I'm glad I have homebirths.
ReplyDeleteSo sad for those Mothers. I agree though with a previous commenter that it is good that they are upfront about it. But it is very sad indeed.
That's terrifying. *shudder*
ReplyDeleteI know that Dr. Judd is a WONDERFUL doctor, and in fact has saved many lives. He has delivered over 30,000 babies, which is more people than live in my home town of Los Gatos, CA. My experience with him as a first time pregnancy/labor was so over the top fantastic, I don't even like to brag about it to my fellow mommy friends because they end up wanting to choke me. If you don't like how he practices, that is fine.....kindly chose another doctor. He is not out to hurt anyone, he is a kind, fun-loving man who loves what he does and also loves his family. He has 10 children in which he delivered them all. It sounds to me like some of you need to find a hobby to take up some of your free time. Why don't you try knitting or scrapbooking.
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ReplyDeleteI am a CNM in the area, and I can tell you that He is the only MD who is willing to back us up so we can be midwives. So patients who want birth plans, doulas and bradley...he kindly refers to our Clinic. Dr. Judd has saved a few of my patients from C-sections with his brilliance in forceps, I normally wouldn't advocate forceps but he is overly safe with them and knows when to use them and when not to.
ReplyDeleteInternetchris - what CNM practice do you work with? I hope you don't mind my being skeptical, but I always like to check facts. :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, it is wonderful that he can save women from going under the knife, but I cannot see the justification of using forceps as much as he does, no matter how 'safely' he uses them. There is a reason why they are considered a last resort before cesarean... undue strain on the fetus' neck and spine, risk for lesions to baby and mom, pph, bruising, increase risk of tearing and episiotomies... the list goes on.