

Birth Wars and Eating Out

Sheridan, one on my list of weekly reads, posted a beautifully frightening and outrageously possible analogy between birth wars and restaurant wars. Just in case you missed it, I think it is a must-read for anyone active in birth rights. She writes this in response to the recent 'homebirth movement' and subsequent response from ACOG and other, less main-stream birth professionals like Jennifer Block.

You may think it absurd, but so do I think it is absurd that there are organizations out there that are trying to take my choice of where to birth away...


  1. Thanks for posting this. I had never thought of that one! But it is so true. It's funny how easily you can be labeled "one of those natural people". Simply breastfeeding and especially after the 6th puts you that class. I am not offended, even welcome this stereotyping of myself, but it does get humerous.

  2. Thanks for linking to my post! Indeed it sounds very sci-fi, but I wonder what the future holds. I hope there will be more homebirths than hospital births and while I don't love to cook, I hope it will never be illegal to do so at home!


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