

What's Been Up? What's Going Down...

Ok - where should I start... I might as well jump in with two feet...

In September, C lost his job and we began looking around our current home in Music City. When we extended our savings to one month's left, we received an offer from a beautiful friend of mine to stay with her family ( 2 adults and 4 children). They assured us that the job market was great there, but, in 2 months of job searching - absolutely no hits...

We could tell it was taxing on our friendship and on their family unit, so we decided to move back closer to friends and family, back to our home church, and start fresh again. We moved back and there was an outpouring of love from friends and family. Baskets of groceries came in, gift cards for winter essentials for the kids (since we moved back from sunshine states), and continuous shows of support and encouragement even through one of the toughest trials our lives have ever brought us.

So now, we are back in the mitten state, and my husband is at a second job interview. I have, in the 2 weeks be have been here, already been to 4 interviews and had a second interview with one of the companies.

If you are believers, send a prayer up for us. If you aren't believers, keep us in your thoughts.

This is a tough Christmas, and a dark season of our lives... but, in other ways, this is such a blessing - we have more interviews in the two weeks we have been here than we have in the past (nearly) 4 months. And, friends and family are better than any Christmas present wrapped under our tree. We could not have asked for a better gift than the prayers, support, encouragement, smiles, and tears we have seen in the time we have been back!

Well, now, I am back. I have plans to have my first return to blogworld post up later today. Keep an eye out for it and perhaps I will even post some kid's photos!


  1. I have missed reading your posts. Welcome back. I hope that a job offer comes soon!

  2. good to have you back luv:)
    very clever title!

  3. Anonymous23/12/08

    Many, many hugs Nicole, to you and the entire family. The girls still talk about you and the kids, and wish we could all play again. Hoping that things turn around for you soon - 2009 will be good to you with luck!

  4. Anonymous23/12/08

    Glad you are back in the "blog world" but even more glad you seem to be on the upswing IRL! I will keep you and your family in my prayers! Looking forward to reading your blog again! Merry Christmas! I think this year, more than most, many people are getting back to the true meaning of Christmas (not the presents) due to the economy that is so hard on us - but despite the reasons, perhaps the outcomes make it worthwhile! Remember, everything happens for a reason!
    God Bless!

  5. Anonymous23/12/08

    I'm a believer and will be praying for you!

  6. We miss you Nicole and we have kept you and your family in our hearts and prayers always waiting to hear from you again. Welcome back. You will be where you are meant to be. You took a chance. How much more at peace are you: no regrets that you didn't try everything you could. Your children have learned to never give up and they will remember the welcoming arms wherever they went.

    May you know the greatest joy of the season: the simplest blessings are the most powerful of all.

  7. I'm so sorry for the most recent struggles and constant uphill battle. To have friends and family along the way lifting you up and supporting your life purpose is an incredible gift. I will be praying for a renewed hope this Christmas season for your family especially. He came to give us life! Merry Christmas, I always love reading your posts.

  8. (((hugs))) Nicole. I hope that your lives "lighten" again with the dawning of the new year. I also hope the interviews pay off soon.

    Best wishes,


  9. Anonymous29/12/08

    Miss you here in Music City. Glad things are looking better for you. I will continue to pray for you and your fam.


  10. Anonymous4/1/09

    I have/will prayed for you. Miss seeing you around CW!

    Blessings of HOPE for the New Year, friend!

  11. Nicole, I miss you!

    We have been having a "bumpy" ride too.
    I have been out of the "loop" here in TN for a while now, its dwindling into what were my hopes to start biz back this January.

    I still have the same email address and number, so contact me sometimes, (if its on, LOL).

    Please know that I miss you and you'll always have a warm fuzzy spot in my heart!

    The kids are growing, missy poo is sooo BIG now! Let me know where I can send you pics of her, (email).

    Take Care!


feel free to post relevant comments, even friendly debate, but note: if you post anonymously, I may not publish you - grow some ovaries and let's have a cuppa.