

Banners - Oh My!

I have added some banners of businesses that I have used and trust. I would encourage you to check out each of them and see what you think.

Two of my favorites are the Ecoist and Kee-Ka. Both have some wonderfully uncommon items on them! If for no other reason than to see something very different and crave-ful, you should check them out. I have a great number of items on my wish list from both.

If you are looking for something crazy different and very trendy, The Ecoist has some amazing handbags and jewelry made from everything: candy wrappers, glass, vinyl records, pull tabs, newspapers, movie billboards, bike chains, and more! I SO want the Movie Billboard Medium Handbag.

Kee-Ka is a baby, toddler, and pet clothier that uses organic packaging and cotton, fair-trade and fair-wage employees, and promote human rights and equality through hand-selecting their suppliers and producers. I LOVE their organic monkey clothing and bedding line.


Speaking of cravings (sorry, I hear myself sounding like an infomercial), I can't help but plug Traverse Bay Farms. I was raised for a good part of my childhood in the beautiful Traverse Bay area. They have super yummy dried super fruits, organic fruits, and fruit supplements. Oh, and the wonderfully addictive Pineapple Salsa - can't forget that. Man, my mouth is watering now!

Ok - that's enough of my selfish promotions. :o) Hope you have fun surfing some great sites!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/9/08

    Ooooh - I like the new layout! Thanks for the links!


feel free to post relevant comments, even friendly debate, but note: if you post anonymously, I may not publish you - grow some ovaries and let's have a cuppa.