
Birth, Abbreviated

One of my favorite blog posts of all time is so simple. Doulicia created a post called Your Birth In Abbreviated Form. It received a wonderful response. I would like to see what you all can do.

The rule is simple: describe your birth(s) in 6 words. One tip from the compiler is to be specific. So.... I'll start us out with mine.

#1 - Small Pill, Medium Baby, Big Cut
#2 - Spine on spine, hold on, pushing...
#3 & 4 - two babies, one labor, fast miracle.
#5 - Holy Mary Mother Joseph - not Catholic.

Now it's your turn!


Anonymous said...

#1 -- so young, so unsure, a girl!
#2 -- a new experience, a lesson learned
#3 -- induction, long labor, a beautiful boy!
#4 -- God's hand, family bonding, beautiful birth

Molly said...

romantic labor, LONG transition, birth euphoria!

Rebekah Costello said...

#1 induction, whirlwind labor, girl! Did it!
#2 surprise early!, feet first, daddy caught!

Lindsay said...

#1 Pitocin, doc brok water, decels, cesarean
#2 past due, all fours, natural, vaginal

Jenn said...

first, I love you words on Xman's birth...lol

3 pounds.

bellygirl said...

#1-far from home, ignorant doc, c/s
#2-scared, decent doc, scared, c/s, tears
#3-family, communicated, decent doc, c/s, girl!

Rixa said...

#1-quiet, home, alone, did it myself!

ps--I am flattered that you liked my photo of the pregnant statue, but as you might have noticed on the side bar of my blog, I request that you ask permission before reposting any photos or text from my blog.

slh35661 said...

#1 water broke, fast labor, overwhelmed me
#2 woke up, stong labor, wow done

Anonymous said...

#1 post dates, induction, interventions, forceps, section.

#2 sweet fantastic precious home vbac - blessed.

Anna said...

#1: water broke, drive! two pushes, boy!

#2: no labor, 7cm, augmented, push, girl!

#3: baby's coming! "just breathe" he's here!!

#4&5: labor starts, still breech, surgery, girls!

Sarah said...

Our son--

hypertension, induction, 4 hours, flew out!

Anonymous said...

counterpressure, vocalization, our bed, beautiful girl.

Olive said...

#1 - stress filled, "deluxe treatment", hospital, boy!

#2 - calm, empowering, involved, brow presenting, girl!

neither of my kids came out presenting normally now that i think about it. my son had a nuchal arm, daughter brow presentation.

Kris said...

#1- natural labor, scary cut, ten-six!

#2- easy quick sweet, another boy, relief!

#3- birthmother's womb, surprise adoption, our princess!

#4- dreamy, watery, push, float, girl, celebrate!

TopHat said...

Long, water, in the caul, escatic!


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