This is an interesting little tidbit that I came across on the www.
Please, take a moment to watch it.
Please, excuse the oddity of a MAN birthing...
PLEASE, take note - did you feel odd that the nurse and doctor were so rude to him? Treating him so roughly? Patronizing him? Talking down to him?
I sent this to a few friends and 'colleagues' and, though most are not NCB advocates, they all were struck at how horrible they were treating this man.
They talk to women that way on a daily basis in hospitals across the U.S....
Most women don't even bat an eye at the way they are treated...
Why does it illicit a different reaction when it is a man?
On an end cap, a few of the women I sent this to were treated just this way by their birth attendants and did not think the least thing of it.
I think that women put up with this kind of treatment because from day one, we are told that that is "just how it's done" and we really have no choice, so why complain? I remember getting that kind of an impression from every woman who ever told me their birthing stories.