

Angelina The Midwife

I have just found some AMAZING vids on YouTube about traditional midwife, Angelina Martinez.

It’s amazing to watch the way she uses her hands to massage, assess, palpate…turn a breech baby. A midwife’s greatest tool is her hands. I wonder how many of the women I see in the clinic come from traditional midwifery practices like this. American midwifery must seem very different to them. At it’s heart, I think the respect and tenderness and kindness to pregnant women remains the same, but we could learn so much from traditional practices like this.
- Belly Tales


  1. Great videos! Thanks for posting.

  2. Thank you for those videos. I am a midwifery educator and am 'collecting' resources like these to show my students. thanks a lot Sarah

  3. I would love to view these but when I clicked on them it said the videos are no longer available. Do you know where I can find them? I did a search on You Tube and it turned up nothing. Thanks!

  4. that is really odd - they still play for me... hmmm.... Try clicking on the Menu link in the bottom right corner of the video box and see if you can access it directly.

  5. Strange... I had tried a few times and nothing. But after seeing your comment here, I went back and tried again and voila! They played! REALLY good videos! Practitioners here should take notice. I would LOVE to have her as my own midwife. I love what she does with the wrap (wrapping it around hips and legs and such) and then lifting those body parts up off the floor. I am not sure exactly what it does, but it looks super comfortable and probably helps to align things. Oh to be able to follow her around for a few days!


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